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Volunteer Position Descriptions

Volunteer Swim Team Jobs

When you registered your swimmer for the team, you also agreed to volunteer for at least 5 meets during the season. Time trials is a good opportunity to get familiar with the job, in our own environment, with our own team. There will be many people around to help if you have questions or concerns. Volunteer participation is necessary to run Time Trials and meets.

Swim team jobs and a brief description of the activities involved follow.


Places stickers on ribbons and file then in the ribbon box for our swimmers. 

Runner (Home Meets Only)

Picks up heat sheets from timers and hands them to the table workers who are working in the shade by the pool office. 

Concession Worker (Home Meets Only)

Assists with food preparation and selling to lots of hungry folks.

Heat Ribbons (Home Meets Only)

Hands out heat ribbons and candy to winners of each heat.

Clerk of Course

Lines up swimmers in their heats and lanes behind the starting blocks and in chairs for upcoming events.

50/50 Raffle Sales (Home Meets)

Sells 50/50 raffle tickets.

Set Up (Home Meets)

Assists with the preparation of the pool for home swim meets. This job is done the night before a swim meet. Put up starting blocks, flags, ropes, chairs, awnings, etc. Some heavy lifting is required for a portion of this job.

Stroke and Turn Judge 

Works with the Meet Official to monitor stroke technique of swimmers. Experience/training is necessary for this position. Please let us know if you are interested in receiving training for this role.  MUST BE CERTIFIED

Table Worker

Assists with ensuring accurate information is entered during and after a swim meet. .

Clean up (Home Meets)

Help take down all equipment, chairs, etc., immediately after a swim meet. This usually goes pretty fast; many swim parents are still around to help. Heavy lifting for some portions.

Relief Timer 

Maintains 2 back up stopwatches for each heat.


    Ultimate responsibility for making/breaking swimmers at a meet. Must be able to push start and stop buttons on a stopwatch and keep eyes open. Records swimmer times on heat sheets.

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