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Swim Meet 101

Home meet tips:

* Arrive by 8:00am at the latest to check in and prepare for warm ups

* NSJ is always staged on the Blue Marlin Grill side of the pool, leaving the parking lot side open for our visitors (except for time trials when we have the entire pool)

Away meet Tips:

* Plan to arrive by 8:30am at the latest and check in with your manager

*The pool will typically let us know the week of the meet where NSJ can set up and we will forward to you as soon as we hear from them.

ALL swimmers must text/call managers or coaches if they are sick or will be late. This is critical for the success of the meet as relays rely on specific swimmers to be present. 


Absolutely NO photographs/videos/cell phone usage is allowed by anyone behind the starting blocks. This is a CMSL rule and must be followed.

Please do not approach the officials with questions regarding DQ's, etc during the meet. Any questions should be directed towards our coaches. 

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